Thursday, 27 March 2014


                                                                                                 Elder R.Laltluanga
                                                                                                 Secretary, Durtlang Church

           During 1889-1891 two Mizo chiefs Lalhrima and Lalsavunga, sons of Suakpuiliana extended their dominion to Durtlang an has set up a village with just 150 families. But they did not settle for a long time, then shifted to Muthi an Zokhawsang to make a new village. In October 30, 1907, M.Suaka requested Rohrenga, the chief of Zokhawsang to give land for founding a new village and he promised to pay a Mithun, if his petition being granted. So, in the year 1908 they cultivated the plot of land and thereby started to found a new village under the Chieftainship of M.Suaka. They repaired some huts already built by non-Mizos who formerly settled there and also built some more booths. This was the beginning of the village, which now become Durtlang.

          Harassment of Christian caused the founding of this village. As Christian were increasing in number, many chiefs opposed them. So, they suffered persecution of various kinds and some were driven out from their villages and they were scattered elsewhere. M.Suaka wamted to found a new village where such those persecuted belivers could live peacefully. Right from its Beginning, a good number of Christian took refuge in this village. In 1909 Christian population was only 40, but the population had gone up to 200 of 70 families in 1912.

Durtlang Presbyterian Church, 2001

          In 1911, M.Suaka laid down certain strict rules and directions for the villagers: that they should be economically self-sufficient; that thy should live a holy life; that they should try to be good citizen and good neighbours; and that they should not indulge in drinking of alcohols. Anyone who violates these rules should pay a fine according to the existing customary law. The chief had also a deep concern for development and he insisted that each family of his village should pay 25 paises per month for the salary of teachers.

    Being set up for the scattered and persecuted Christians, more and more belivers migrated to this village for settlement. The Welsh Missionaries soon made the village as one of their Mission station. Today the village became a home of various ministries of the Presbyterian Church of Mizoram such as: Presbyterian Hospital; Aizawl Theological College, Home of Love (Motherless Babies Home), and Synod Rescue Home. Other denominations as well established their centers within this area.

          Establishment of Church: As a Christian village, it has been blessed by the Almighty God in many ways. Since the Christians were few in numbers, around 40 baptised members during 1909, the worship services were held at the residence of Chief M.Suaka and at any other convenient places. On the 15th of August (Sunday), a strange thing happened to Pachhunga, one of the members. He cried aloud while he was reading the Scripture, an the same happened again to Kapkunga, another member on September 26, 1909. These were the first-drop of the revival to the Church. In October 10, 1909 the whole congregation received revival that was so immense that the adult members did not feel any hunger for a long time. This revival gave an astonishing growth in the Church and many people gave their names. Those who experienced that revival this became useful instruments of the Church in the later period.

          When the Missionaries heard the event, Rev. D.E Jones came to Durtlang and he had a good number of new converts to be baptised. An he encourage them to fervently offer prayers, and the Church was increased in number. The rapid growth oc the Christians was recorded in Kristian Tlangau (an official organ of Presbyterian Church of Mizoram), thus:

          Durtlang was the village of Mr. Suaka an situated at 6 miles to the noth of Aizawl. It has large Christian members, next to that of Aizawl. The total Christian population was 365. The chief and his elders were all good Christians. The members of the Church have great concer for the growth of the Kingdom and the glory of Christ, they are ready to make any effort that could be done, and it is one of the churches which we are proud of. (Trans.)

          Since the head of the village was a zealous beliver no other teaching could infiltrate eith their teachings in the village. The chief and his cabinet ruled over the village with a Christian virtue, therefore, the Church was united. The Church took steps for liberation of the poor and the hlepless and for the upliftment of women an it has a great concern for the youth as well. The Church however, has taken the lead towards consolidation of the Church in Mizoram.

          Towards Stability: Durtlang 1910 to 1922, the Annual Presbytery Meetings were held twice in a year. In 1923 the Churches in Mizoram were divided into three Presbyteries, such as: the South-East Presbytery, oits focal point at Mission Veng; the North-East, its facal point at Durtlang; an the West Presbytery its focal point at Dawrpui. So, since 1924 Durtlang became one among the three focal points in Mizoram. To bring together these three Presbyteries, a ‘Special Assembly’ (now Synod) was convened at Durtlang in 1926. Therefore, Durtlang Church has, therefore, the privilige of holding the first Assembly in Mizoram. In this Special Assembly the event so memorable to the Mizo Church occured, for it ordained her own Pastors for the first time. For a long period of time these big Three Churches hosted the Annual Synod Meetings in turn: Mission Veng, Dawrpui, and Durtlang. Afte 1964 Durtlang ceased to hosts the Synod Meeting; yet after a long gap of nearly four decades, the Church hosted again in 2001.

          From 1924 to 1959, Rev. Saiaithanga served in Durtlang pastorate. In 1923 Rev. Frederick J. Sandy an his family moved to Durtlang along with them the Theological School, Dispensary, and Post Office were also transferred to Durtlang. In 1926 Rev. Lewis Evans (Pu Niara) and his wife came to Durtlang to construct Mission Bungalow and Hospital. In 1928 Dr. John Williams (Pu Daka) arrived and established these, mission works and Durtlang Church became more stable.

          Among those missionaries who spent all their abilities, two of them: Rev. Sandy and Catherine Evans (the wife of Rev. Lewis Evans) died in Durtlang an both of them were buried in front of the Church. Their grave are preserved and still available for seen. The inscription in the tahlets read:

                                 IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED SANDY
                         HE CAME TO MIZORAM IN 1914, WAS FULLY DEDICATED
                               COMFORTING ABILITIES FOR THE MIZO NATION
                                            HE WAS THE FATHER OF MIZOS
                             ON NOV. 6, 1962 LEFT HIS BELOVED MIZO NATION
                    AND REST IN HIS LORD “FOR HE LOVETH OUR NATION: (Trans.)

                              IN LOVING MEMORY OF CATHERINE EVANS
                   BORN 19TH FEBRUARY, 1872 AT DINOS MAWDDY, NOTH WALES,

          Construction of Church Building: So far, Durtlang Church had constructed five Church buildings. The first building was constructed in 1910 at Melsarih Tlang (literally mount of seven miles). The size of the building was 7x4 fathoms. Since it was built with best materials available with them we could assume the building to be a very good one. In those days the Church bell, used to be rung at 12 noon everyday; they called it ‘prayer bell’ and the members of the Church would pray as soon as they heard the bell ringing from their repective place. As the village was growing in number, the location of the Church could not remain at the center of the village; rather, it became more isolated, so they had to contruct a new Church in 1917, an it was ready in 1919. In this new Church they used drum for singing.

          The third buildingn was constructed in the place where the present one is standing. In 1924 they started the construction with a ground leveling work. Its roof was aluminium, an the wall and others part were wooden. Rev. Sandy imported the pilpit from Sylhet (now in Bangladesh). The fouth building was contructed in the same place. The foundation stone was laid in 1957, and in the next year it was ready. It was a nice building with a high pinnacle.

          The fifth building is the present one. Rev. Robawiha laid the foundation stone in 1986. It was completed in May 4, 1991. The total expenditure for the construction amounted to Rs. 17,82,786.04

          By the guidance of the Almighty, Durtlang Village has made a rapid numerical growth; therefore, it is no longer possible to accommodate the whole population in a single building. Leitan Church separated from Durtlang and became a full-fledged Church in 1973. So also other area called Vengthar was also made as Preaching station in 1979. Again from the Leitan Church Leitan Ramthar and Leitan South have been separated to become full-fledge Churches.

          Eight Person and nine Probationary Pastors have served Durtlang Church so far. Beside of this, 29 elders have been elected as Elder of the Church, out of which 11 are presently serving the Church.

Name of Pastors:
Rev. Saiaithanga               1924-1959
Rev. P.D.Sena                  1959-1966
Rev. Challiana                  1967-1974
Rev. Lalruma                    1975-1978
Rev. Lalchama                  1979-1988
Rev. Thangpuiliana            1989-1992
Rev. C.Vanlalringa            1993-2001
Rev. R.Thangvunga           2002-

Name of Probationary Pastors:
P/P. Lalsawma                 1955-1956
P/P. Robawiha                 1960-1961
P/P. Challianngura            1966-1968
P/P. H.Lalrinmawia           1985-1986
P/P. Johar Manik Ranglong    1994-1996
P/P. F.Pachhunga              1997-
P/P. Remlalfaka                1998-2000
P/P. P.S.Daniel                  2002-

Name of Elders:
Dova (1911), Tuahkima (1911), Lalhluna (1911), Kapliana (1911), Kapkunga (1911), Darsata (1911), Hrangzika (1918), M.Suaka (chief, 1919) Valbuanga (1919), Darthangvunga (1927), Darsavunga (1936), Liana (1936), Lalbiaka (1953), Zuluma (1960), Vanlallawmawma (1961), Hranghleia (1969), Leta (1969), Lalhmingmawia (1970), H.Saptawna (1976),  H.Lallianchhunga (1976), Zasiama Ralte (1980), Zokunga (1980), R.Laltluanga (1985), C.Vanlalzama (1989), R.Vanlaldika (1989), Lalhmuaka (1997), C.Lalbiaktluanga (Year given in brakets indicates date of ordaination)

          Revival Movement: Revivals have come to Mizoram Durtlang Church had never been a mere recipient of those revivals; rather it had deeply participated in the movements. In 1913 revival movement that had waved from Champhai reached Durtlang while the member of the Church worshiped together in the house of their chief M.Suaka. Some of them cried out in joy, some others jumped ecstatically and there was a great ecstasy. In those days drum was not used for singing in the worship service, as they consider drum as animist. Again in 1919 a group of Christians from Thingkuang and Sehlawh village came visiting Durtlang with their drums. At this time great revival happened in Durtlang. As result of this, they introduced using traditional Mizo drums in the Church services. Moreover, due to the Mail Evangelism movement (populary known as Chanchintha dak zawn) , which occured during 1946-1948, the Church received revival of another kind. Itinerary preachers were more increasing, and revival movements remain in Durtlang village.

          Apart from these kinds of revival movements, during 1970’s Durtlang Church witnessed a born again spirituality, gospel campaign, camping, and so on. All accounts cannot be given stated in this article. However, the Church leaders paid many efforts to keep alive the spiritual life of the Church even in times of slowdown by engaging some preachers udes by God.

          Ministries of the Church: From its inception, the Church gives priority to evangelism. They went out for preaching through ‘Fangrual’ (a group pf intinerary preachers) to various villages. From this Church certain members have left their home for mission works. The Church has producsd five Pastors, namely: Rev. Lalhnuna, Rev. Lalramliana Pachuau, Rev. Zothansanga, Rev. F.Lalchhuanmawia and Rev. Lalbiakchhunga. Presently, Lalbiaksanga Pachuau and Lalruatkima are undergoing theological training. Moreover, as many as thirty persons from this Church have volunteered themselves for mission works in various mission fields. At present, the following persons are working in various parts of India and abroad:
Lianchhungi (1969), Vanlalbiaki (1979), Linda Laltanpuii & Spouse (1988), Hrangzingi (1989), Lalnuntluanga (1989), R.Lalengmawii (1989), Darchawngmawii (1989), Lalthuama Hnamte & spouse (1990), A.Lalbiaknunga & spouse (1991), C.Lalremtluanga (1994), C.Lalramchuana (1996), P.C.Lalduhsanga & spouse (1990), Lalthangliani (2000), Zaithanmawii (2000) and Dr. Ramdinthara & spouse (2001) {Year inside brackets indicates date of joining}

          Meanwhile, the Church has made good contribution to mission in terms of sponsoring missionaries. Starting from 1987 with a single person, the Church has now sponsoring financially 31 missionaries. The local Church’s Ramthar (or Mission Committee is taking care of this sponsorship management.

          Durtlang Church has good Sunday School right from its inception. The Mizo Sunday School Union (MSSU) has awarded good numbers of her members with various prizes. The strength of the Sunday School may be presented as follows:
          Number of Students:
                                      Children      867
                                      Adult        1025
                                      Total        1892 

                                       Number of Teachers:
                                      Children    133
                                      Adult          84
                                      Total        217

         Some other important activities of the Church may be highlighted as under:

          The Church organise special programmes for senior members of her members, above seventy of age annually. Sharing of expreriences, Holy Communion, Sports, Photo session, Dinner and others are the main items of the programmes.

          Every first Sunday of a new year is observed as Family Sunday. Each family would sit together and dedicate themselves to the Lord.

          Every year the whole congregation celebrates Christmas and New Year with feast in the Church premises.

          At the beginning as well as at the middle of the year, the Church conducts offering of agricultural crops and others.

          The Church publish ‘Year Book’ every year.

          The Church is preparing to celebrate her Centennial Anniversary in 2008 A.D.

          Childres of the Church used to visit the Presbyterian Hospital on Christmas Day to present their gifts to patients, and to conduct Christmas Service for them.

          Ministry of Women’s Fellowship: Right from the early times, the Church has been blessed with a good number of committeed women to the preaching of the Gospel. Some notable of such women are : Mrs. Chhingtei, a member of Bible Women; and Mrs. Buti, w/o Elder Dova. All of them were prominent figures in women ministry not only in Durtlang but also to the whole country of Mizoram. Mrs. Chhingtei was elected member of Bible Women in 1915, she was trained in Aizawl for about six months and was paid seven rupees per month. As early as 1910 the Women Fellowship started servoce for womem. The Women Fellowship continued to grow so as to be able to hlod the first ever Women Conference in Mizoram. In February 6-8, 1946 they held an Annual Women’s Meeting at pastorate (or distrivt) level. Seemingly this was the first meeting of its kind in Mizoram.

          Women Fellowship has zealously worked for the groeth of the Church, for the spreading of the Gospel, and for emancipation from proverty. As to the ministry of Buhfaitham (handful of rice), it has been an integral part of their ministry.

Ministry of Youth Fellowship: 
          The Christian Youth Fellowship (known as Kristian Thalai Pawl) has been founded in 1954 at Aizawl. After carefully observing its set up and nature of ministry, the Durtlang Pastorate Standing Committee was so impressed and thus favoured to set up the Fellowship within its area an resolved thar those who could join may do the same. Thus, under the leadership of Pro. Pastor Lalsawma and Mr. Lalliana, local Church elder, Kristian Thalai Pawl (Youth Christian Fellowship) was started at Durtlang in September 5, 1955.

          Umtil 1959, the Fellowship could not conduct regular services. But from this year services had been held fortnightly. It was since 1963 that the Fellowship conducted Youth Services once in a week. From 1972 the service were held on every Thursday nights. Again in 1977, ever since the Central Committee decided that services be held on Monday nights throughout the state, Durtlang Branch also held its service on Monday night till today.
          Members of the Fellowship are so instrumental in carrying out the mission of the Church. They have been earning good amount of money for the Church every year. The great blessing that has been bestowed upon this Church is its melodious choir of every generation. The Choir is known inside and outside the state for their melody. The choir makes the congregational singing of the Church lively and inspiring.

          Durtlang Church has made an enormous growth under the guidance of the Almighty God. At the beginning of the twentieth century there was only a single Church within Durtlang village. But now, the Church begot children an even grandchildren. Although Durtlang Church suffered drought of hosting the Synod Annual Meeting for thirty-seven years, but it hosted again in 2001. Not just in her own understanding but through the eyes of the Church as a whole in Mizoram, Durtlang Church is reaping the fruit of the blessing of God, the Almighty for it could host again the most important ecclesiastical meeting in Mizoram. At the time of writing this article, the statistical details of the Church shows:

    Total Member of the Church                 - 2430
    Number of Male                                   - 1180
    Number of Female                                - 1250
    Number of Communicant Member        - 1674
    Number of Children (under 14 years)    -   666

          Lastly, let us see the decadal growth of the Church.

    Year        Communicate Member    Collection (in rupees)
    1933            no record                239.00
    1943            no record                333.43
    1953            no record                     1,594.15
    1963            no record                     7,565.42
    1973              767                       22,803.41
    1983              880                       95,552.86
    1993            1477                    6,76,534.75
    2000            1477                  21,67,589.00
    2001            1502                  23,30,138.00
    2002            1608                  30,17,082.00